1. Lifeguards (where available) are generally on duty from 9:30 to 5:30. Check postings at your beach. Please help keep the beach clean and free of trash.
* Red flags indicate “No Swimming!”
Lifeguards on duty Memorial Day thru Labor Day 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Fires are prohibited. Bathhouse facilities open 8 a.m. to sunset.
DE State Residents/Out-of-State Inland Parks: $4.00/$8.00.
Ocean Parks $5.00/$10.00.
Annual Permit $35.00/$70.00. Senior (62+): $18/$35.
Active-Duty Nonresident $35. Delaware Military $17.50
DE State Residents Inland Parks: $20.00 for 6 daily passes.
Out of State $20.00 for 3 daily passes.
Ocean Parks:
$25.00 for 6 daily in State passes and $25.00 for 3 daily out of State passes.
Pay to park is effective every day May 15th through September 15.
All public parking is either pay to park or by resident or business permit.
Payments or permits are required beginning at 10:00 a.m. daily until either 4:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., or 11:00 p.m. as designated by signs depending on location.
Rate: $2.50 per hour.
Parking zone numbers are located on every pay station and single meter, as well as on signs.
Garfield Parkway – 2 hour limit (may park more than two hours with new pay station time receipt or ParkMobile session); all other pay parking spaces unrestricted.
Parking Permits for pay to park spaces (not valid on Garfield or in Resident Permit areas).
Purchase at Police Department (214 Garfield) open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
East-west streets with “Residential Permits Required” signs restricted to vehicles displaying Resident Permits during hours as posted.
Business Permits are valid on streets west of Penn. Ave. designated Resident/Business Parking by permit.
Resident and Business permits are not valid in pay to park spaces.
Handicap and Service vehicles are not exempt from payment.
Motor Cycles: Multiple cycles may park in a parking space with (1) pay receipt.
Motor Scooters: May either park free in designated areas (please reference the parking map), or pay to park.
Coin Change-Makers: 99 Garfield, Garfield Mid 100 Block North & South side, Garfield at N. Penn., Garfield at S. Penn, N. Penn. At Central.
Call 302-539-8940 for more information.
There are five Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations in Bethany Beach. Each station is equipped with two charging cords so that two electric vehicles can charge simultaneously. The chargers are universal so that all makes, and models of electric vehicles can utilize the service. To initiate the charge, payments can be made at the charging station by credit card with an initial fee of $2.00. The user will then be charged $0.50 per kWh to utilize the station. Be advised that from May 15 – September 15 parking fees will apply in addition to charging fees. ALL vehicles (including charging vehicles) must pay to park. Please contact the Bethany Beach Town Hall at 302-539-8011 with any questions or concerns.